April 2017 SB0091: V4.9 Software Update and ViSi Remote V3.4 Update for Vi1, 2, 4 & 6 Consoles Now Available! ================================================================================================== Soundcraft is pleased to announce the release of software update V4.9 for all Soundcraft Vi1, 2, 4 and 6 consoles. The first update for the original Vi line-up since the launch of the 000-series, this release underscores our commitment to the Vi range as a whole, including the large existing user base of classic Vi consoles and to maintaining the value and usability of these products. The update contains new features and a large number of bug fixes, with Vi1 in particular benefitting from the release. The release brings many of the features and improvements introduced in the V6.x updates for Vi 000-series, to the original console series. To go along with the V4.9 console software release, the ViSi Remote iPad control software has also been extended to add the same channel processing control and metering to Vi1, 2, 4 and 6 as the 000-series consoles already benefit from. This includes control of gain, delay, pan, EQ and dynamics for all channels and busses, in addition to the existing fader, mute, GEQ and Aux send control. Metering is now provided within the app for channel and bus level, gain reduction and gate status within the fader panel and individual dynamics displays, and also adds a metering overview page which allows all channel, bus and dynamics metering to be seen at a glance, and allows faster navigation by allowing the possibility to jump quickly to any group of 8 channels/busses, instead of scrolling the fader panel. The new V3.4 ViSi Remote software will be available imminently in the App store. The update also contains a significant number of bug fixes and stability improvements and we recommend that it is installed into all Vi1-6 consoles as soon as possible. New Features ============ (All features, fixes & improvements apply to all console types except where noted) • Support for new ViSi Remote iPad app which now includes full channel processing control and metering for all Vi consoles (requires ViSi Remote version 3.4, available FOC from the Apple App store) • SHURE wireless microphone monitoring within the channel strip now included (compatible with ULX-D, QLX-D and Axient models) in addition to support for AKG DMS800 • Monitor Out patching allows any I/O port on the console to be used for Monitor A/B outs, freeing up output connections, particularly on Vi1 • Console Lock now implemented on Vi1 (located in Menu-Settings Page) • Blackout feature now implemented within the Cue List on Vi1 • Setup buttons for User 1/2 fader panel and Vistonics encoder functions now implemented • Setup button for F1-6 user-defined keys now implemented • Autobackup now has adjustable interval and can be disabled for more consistent snapshot recall in theatre shows • Ability to use Vi7000 Local Rack with Vi2/4/6 surface and patch to Active Breakout Box I/O now implemented (other audio features remain as per Vi2/4/6) Bug Fixes / Improvements ======================== • Regular interruption of meters on Vi1 during autobackup save fixed, and improvements to meter behaviour when switching fader pages • Various bugs affecting Library behaviour on Vi1 fixed (unable to delete items, disappearing items and new libraries, restarting when pasting items) • Tap tempo entry always led to a slower tempo than tapped, particularly on Vi1 • Improvements when switching between DHCP and MAN IP address modes • On-screen keyboard now always selects long label first when jumping to next Input channel • Stagebox VA/VD indicators sometimes flickered red spontaneously when no error present • Stereo bus processing parameters were not always recalled correctly on right-hand bus channel (Vi2/4/6 only) • Burst of high-level audio was heard after restarting console (Vi2/4/6 only) • Changing insert 24 to stereo on stereo bus could restart console when show loaded • Whole surface could freeze if one Vistonics control board failed, now limited to affected bay only, plus error message generated (Vi2/4/6 only) • Exiting Insert page whilst in Insert Setup mode could lock upper screen • Console occasionally restarted when pressing ALL BUSSES page from Matrix contribution mode • Console occasionally restarted during labelling of multiple channels using external keyboard • Duplicate Hash DB error messages appeared on startup with some I/O configs in Stagebox R06 • Various improvements to RTR network connection stability • Virtual Vi closed if the ‘Fn’ key was pressed on laptop Note that this software update cannot be installed on Vi x00 or x000 consoles. The current V6.3 software release for these consoles is available from the Soundcraft website. Offline Editor ============== An updated version of the Virtual Vi Offline Editor is also available, allowing pre-programming of Show files and on-line control of the Vi2/4/6 local rack as an alternative to the surface. Where to get the software update ================================ Downloads are now available on the Soundcraft website: www.soundcraft.com • From the Vi1, 2, 4 or 6 product pages: Scroll down the page to the 'Downloads' area and look under 'Software Updaters' and 'Online Editors'. Update Instructions =================== If updating a Vi2, 4 or 6 console that was shipped before Oct 2014 and which is running an older software version than, it will be necessary to check a jumper setting on the Master Vistonics control board. Please read the Update Instructions for info. Please note that Vi1 consoles use a hibernation process to allow a fast boot, this means that a specific procedure has to be followed carefully when doing a software update. Please download and read the Update Instructions here, before starting the update. If you experience any issues or problems with the upgrade, please contact customer services at soundcraft.support@harman.com. Best regards, HARMAN Tour Audio Marketing