Help - DriveRack 4800/4820


The Help Menu provides an information resource about Audio Architect and its functions. Information about Help Topics can be accessed by clicking on Contents, Index, or Search, each of which provides a different way of locating information about topics.



Contents: Brings up the Help File

Index: Brings up the Help File Index function

Search: Brings up the Help File Search function



Device Info...

Beyond Help Topics, the Help Menu provides additional information about the DriveRack unit under the Device Info selection (seen below). Hardware and Firmware version, IP address information and a host of other pieces of useful information can be accessed under the Device Info selection.


To view the Device Info, click on the + icon to the right of DriveRack 4800/4820 in the Hardware Information window to expand the tree.



Device Locate is a useful tool especially in large systems where there may be many units. When Locate is activated, the front panel display of the DriveRack 4800/4820 flashes until Locate is turned off.


About DriveRack...

The final selection, About DriveRack (seen below), offers information regarding the DriveRack unit, its IP address, the dbx DriveRack 4800/4820 .dll driver that is used in Audio Architect and the network ID of the DriveRack unit.