CobraNet™ Advanced Settings — Crown I-Tech HD2, i-tech hd4, PIP-USP4 & VRack12000 / VRack4x3500


The CobraNet Advanced settings panel contains information related directly to the CobraNet portion of the amplifier. These indicators include some basic information.  Information which may be entered or monitored includes:

System Name

This field is for your use. It is designed to contain text which will uniquely identify this unit within the context of the whole system.

System Description

This field of fixed text shows the component description that is hard-coded in the CobraNet device.

System Location

System Contact

These fields are for your use. They may be used to indicate where within the system this CobraNet device is located, and the name of a person who may be contacted for system maintenance.

Firmware Version

This fixed field of three numbers identifies the CobraNet firmware version. From left to right, these numbers indicate:  the highest CobraNet protocol version supported by firmware, the CobraNet firmware major revision number, and the CobraNet firmware minor revision number

MAC Address

This fixed field indicates in hexadecimal notation the unique 6 byte Ethernet address of the unit's CobraNet interface. It cannot be edited.

CobraNet Static IP Address

CobraNet Dynamic IP Address

These fields display the unit's network IP address for the CobraNet portion of the amplifier. These addresses are typically only needed if using CobraNet disco or another piece of software that communicates directly with the CobraNet module.

It must be a different IP address from the IP Address used for control. This is useful when you wish to treat the unit as an IP network component. If one sets the Static IP, the same IP address is populated into the Dynamic IP. This process ensures that the same address is used by other programs as well as System Architect.


The drop down box allow you to select the latency for the CobraNet being received by the amplifier from 1.33, 2.33 or 5.33 milliseconds. A device can only receive CobraNet if the latency of the receiver is the same as the transmitter.

The processing sample rate needs to be the same as the CobraNetâ„¢ sample rate or else there will be no CobraNet audio.

A device will indicate that it is receiving a bundle, but not produce audio if the latency and sample rate between the transmitter and receiver does not match. This error will be logged to the System Architect Event Log.

Conductor Indicator

This LED illuminates when this CobraNet device is acting as the Conductor for the local CobraNet network.

Conductor Priority

The control specifies the priority of this CobraNet Node for the purpose of voting to gain conductorship on the local CobraNet network. The unit with the highest priority will assume the conductorship for the network. The conductor acts as the master clock for the CobraNet system. The special value 0 specifies that this unit will never conduct,  1 is lowest conductor priority, and  255 is highest conductor priority


It is possible to route audio out of the amplifier via CobraNet. One can send out the analog inputs, the AES inputs, or the amplifier output (post processing). Select what the bundle and the source is using the menu items.

Additional Information

If you are connected to the Internet you can find a video overview of this feature at: