Master Gain and Level Control Panel

JBL Master Panel Input Routing

Gain and level control functionality on JBL Master Panels is the same as in individual JBL Device Input Routing Control Panel. Changes made in the Master Gain and Level Control Panel effect the change in all devices in the group.  Level controls are soft linked.

Input Routing JBL DPAN devices
Input Routing JBL DPCN devices
Input Routing JBL DPDA devices 



The Master Gain Input and Level Control Panel will display the independent levels for each device as an arrow on the Master Panel Input Fader. Also, the Gain Counter is marked to remind the user that the device faders have been modified.

Independent Input Router

Double click the Main Panel Input Fader to adjust the independent device Input Router Faders.


JBL MAster DPCN Input Routing Sub-Panel