Venue Options



Time Zone

File Version


Room Color

Networked Audio




Fit To Grid: Checking this box forces all objects in the venue to the grid.

Time Zone

Time Zone: GMT (Greenwich Mean Time): The Greenwich Meridian (Prime Meridian or Longitude Zero degrees) marks the starting point of every time zone in the World.  GMT is Greenwich Mean (or Meridian) Time is the mean (average) time that the earth takes to rotate from noon-to-noon.

GMT is World Time and the basis of every world time zone which sets the time of day and is at the center of the time zone map.  GMT sets current time or official time around the globe.  Most time changes are measured by GMT.  Although GMT has been replaced by atomic time (UTC) it is still widely regarded as the correct time for every international time zone.

US Eastern Time zone is GMT - 5:00, US Pacific Time is GMT - 8:00.

Do not adjust for Daylight Savings: Select this button if you do not want Audio Architect to automatically adjust for Daylight Savings Time.

Standard. Set the Start and end dates below: Select this option to use the standard settings for Daylight Savings Time.

UK / EU: Click for United Kingdom / Europe Daylight Savings Time.

US: Click for United States Standard Daylight Savings Time.

Custom. Set the start and end dates below @12am: If selected, you may select custom Daylight Savings Time settings. Enter which day and month you wish Audio Architect to use for Start and End dates.

OK: Click to save the changes

Cancel: Exits the Venue Options


File Version

The File Version function is independent of the Auto-Save feature located in General Settings.

If you select the Enable File Version checkbox, when you save a venue file manually,  every time you press Save or Ctrl + S, it creates a new copy of the currently loaded/updated file with file name having incrementing values of the mentioned format


If you enable Auto-Save in General Settings, It will start saving the file based on your setting for “Number of files” and “Time Interval” at default location or location of your choice. It  will also make sure that the number of saved files doesn’t cross the value which you mentioned in “Number of files” in FileàApplication OptionsàGeneral SettingsàAuto save.

For example: After enabling the Auto-save, if you put 5 in “Number of files” and “Time Interval” as 1. Once, you start making  changes to the venue, auto-save will start saving the venue file at the custom/default location. Every 1 minute after a change is made in the venue it will create a new venue file. Once the back up venue file count reaches the 5th  it will overwrite the oldest file in the folder.


Self Healing Settings

Note: Self-Healing settings are enabled only when venue has a server. This message disappears when a Contrio server has been added to the venue.

Mark the checkbox to enable Self-healing.

The Contrio Server Self-Healing is the ability for the server to, in the event of a device failure, recognize an identical model device and automatically configure that device with the settings of the failed device and set the new device online.

For example: While online using a Contrio Server (both the BLU and Dante versions will act identically) connected to a BSS BLU-800 device which as been configured for a small restaurant, the BLU-800 fails. Self-healing allows you to replace the failed BLU-800 with a new BLU-800, make all the proper connections and the configuration will be sent to the new device.

Room Color Settings


Room Color Settings provide a way to set Error color notifications for various devices, one being Physical Devices the other is Associated Amplifiers.

Physical Device Error Colors

Device Fault Color: Brings up the Select Color window and selects the Device Fault color for the Room.

Device Warning Color: Brings up the Select Color window and selects Device Warning color for the Room.

Associated Amplifier Error Colors

Error Color 1 through 5: Brings up the Select Color window.

Click the Reset to Default button to reset all of the Room Error Colors to their default values.

Networked Audio

AVB Audio preferences


Stream Mode: Manual Mode only. In this mode AA is responsible for defining the steam IDs.

Stream ID

Prefix Scheme:  Each stream ID on the network must be unique across the entire AVB network.

The prefix is a way of guaranteeing globally unique stream IDs and the prefix must be unique per venue file. The recommended method is to use MAC address because they are already globally unique.

User Defined, Random or Device MAC. The Prefix Scheme determines how the MAC address (the first twelve characters of the sixteen character stream ID) is derived. This derives a unique stream ID in the event of more than one connected AVB network.

Prefix: Enter prefix here