Mismatch of Stripes - HUB4000 Q

A Mismatch happens if the Stripe doesn’t match the physical AKG Device.

The following parameters must match for a Stripe to come online with NO Mismatch occuring:

If one of the three criteria is not met, a Mismatch between the physical AKG Device and the Stripe will occur. The background of the Stripe will change to red to indicate the Mismatch. Mismatching Stripes cannot be controlled and/or monitored. To edit these Stripes, the Mismatch has to be resolved first (See chapter 'Resolving the Mismatch')!

Figure: HUB4000 Q Product Panel with online and a mismatching (red) Stripes


Figure: A HUB4000 Q which has mismatching Stripes will indicate the Mismatch by setting the Warning State (Yellow Icon) at the Venue View


Table 1: The following 2 examples explain cases where a Mismatch can happen


Hardware configuration

System Architect plug-in configuration


State of Stripe


Slot 1: SR4000 - Band Variant IV

Slot 1: SR4000 - Band Variant II

same slot, same device type, different Band Variant

Mismatching Stripe


Slot 1: SR4000 - Band Variant VI

Slot 1: SST4 - Band Variant VI

same slot, different device type, different Band Variant

Mismatching Stripe


Refer to the 'Resolving the Mismatch' for instructions on how to resolve the Mismatch.