The menu bar on the Main Control panel has four menus that provide various functions. The exact look of the panel will vary if the device is being individually controlled or in a Master Panel. This variance also includes the controls that are included on the Master Panel. In addition the menus are not available in Master Panels. The menus are:
Open – loads a device file or a preset file
Save – saves a device file or a preset file
Print Parameter Values – opens a browser window displaying all of the parameter values for the amplifier. This allows easy printing of this information.
Close – closes the amplifier window
Copy – copies the amplifier settings present in that amplifier
Paste – pastes the previously copied amplifier settings into another amplifier
Restore Default Values – resets the amplifier to factory setting of all the DSP turned off.
The View Menu lists the options for either docking or floating as well as having the Basic or Normal view of the control panel.
The Basic View provides the input and output metering, the faders, status, and mute buttons. The Normal view shows the processing blocks and preset controls.
The Panel menu allows one to convert the current panel to a custom control panel that is editable and can be used as a starting point for custom control panels.
The Tools menu provides a reboot function for either the specific device being configured, or all devices of the same type.
The Help Menu contains links to the help file as well as utilities for gathering information about the device you are working with.
From the Help Menu it is possible to display the Device Information, which contains the IP Address, Firmware, MAC Address, and additional information.
The Device Locate causes the front panel to blink to indicate that you are controlling the amplifier.
The About feature from the Help Menu displays information about the Control Panel software that you are using. The information included in here is very helpful to technical support personnel when troubleshooting.
If you are connected to the Internet you can find additional information, including video overviews at: