The menu bar on the Main Control panel contains six (6) menus that provide various functions. The menus are:
The File menu contains four (4) items:
The Open Menu allows the user to open a Device File or a Preset File.
Device File - Contains all of the settings for the device, including all of the presets for the Device. A Device File provides a way to move or copy all the settings from one Device to another. In order to open a device file it must have been created by the same type of device. For more information see help for Open Device File.
Preset File - Contains the settings for a single Preset and allows the user to selectively move presets from one device to another.
The Save Menu allows the user to save a Device File or a Preset File.
Device File - Contains all of the settings for the device, including all of the presets for the Device. A Device File provides a way to move or copy all the settings from one Device to another. In order to open a device file it must have been created by the same type of device.
Preset File - Contains the settings for a single Preset and allows the user to selectively move presets from one device to another.
Selecting Print Parameter Values from the File Menu will create a HTML file that contains all of the parameters for the device, including parameters that are not normally accessible from the control panel. Other parameters are not available from the Factory Controls but can be accessed by the creation of a custom control panel with controls linked to those objects.
The Close option under the File Menu closes the panel that is currently active.
The Edit menu contains four (4) items.
The Copy command on the Edit Menu copies all of the parameters for the Device, other than the device presets, to the clipboard. These items can then be pasted to a like device.
The Paste command on the Edit Menu pastes the contents of the clipboard to the device whether it be a program or just the current parameters. Items can only be pasted from a like device.
Selecting the Delete Preset command will bring up a dialog box that allows the user to select the preset to be deleted from the drop down box.
The Reformat Device feature allows the user to change the speaker type format currently loaded in the input module and reformat it to any another speaker type supported by JBL DrivePack. Selecting the Reformat Device command brings up a password protected window. When the JBL Factory provided password is successfully entered, a new window opens up allowing the user to select the new speaker type appropriate for the speaker model that the JBL DrivePack is installed. For more detailed information on this feature click on Reformat Device.
The Help Menu contains links to the help file as well as utilities for gathering information about the device you are working with.
The Device Info command displays the IP Address, Firmware, MAC Address, and additional information about the specific device.
The About Product command displays information about the Control Panel software that you are using. The information included in here is very helpful to technical support personnel when troubleshooting.
There are four (4) additional options available by right-clicking on the Active Window Toolbar: