The System Function Editor is a separate window that allows you to assign a certain System Function or functions upon an action such as pressing a button or receiving an external control signal.
This is a list of the functions that have been assigned and to what they have been assigned to
Here you select which function is to be assigned. Depending on which function you choose, other options below this will open offering supporting parameters or functions. Upon the action or event you can:
Close Current Panel: Closes the current Panel
Close Custom Panel: Closes a selected Custom Panel
Close Device Panel: Closes a selected Device Panel
Close Master Panel: Closes a selected Master Panel
Launch Custom Panel: Launches a selected Custom Panel
Launch Device Panel: Launches a selected Device Panel
Launch Master Panel: Launches a selected Master Panel
Locate: Select a device in the venue and determine whether you want it's Locate feature on or off
Mute Device: Mutes a selected Device
Unmute Device: Unmutes a selected Device
Mute Channel: Select a device in the venue and select a channel within that device to mute
Unmute Channel: Select a device in the venue and select a channel within that device to unmute
Solo Channel: Select a device in the venue and select a channel within that device to solo
Recall Device Preset: Select a device in the venue and recall a preset within that device
Recall Panel Preset: Select a custom Panel and recall a preset within that panel
Recall Venue Preset: Brings up the Venue Presets window.
Save File: Saves the current Audio Architect file
Logout: Logs the current user out of Audio Architect
Switch User: Brings up a window to login a different Audio Architect user
Close Application: Shuts down Audio Architect
Shutdown Computer: Shuts down the computer Audio Architect is running on
Play Sound File: Brings up a window to select a sound file. Selections include MP3, MIDI, Windows Audio or Windows Media files
Launch Scheduler: Activates the Scheduler
Launch Event Log: Activates the Event Log